Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 In Books

So basically the only rule for this list is that I had to read or finish the books in 2023. Everything else is my opinion. Of course, if you're interested in my deeper thoughts on these books, check out my reviews.

Number of times I smashed my Reading Goal: 4

Number of Books Read: 116, bringing my lifetime total to 1,017

Number of Pages: 33,646

Shortest Book: IM by Seanan McGuire - 11 Pages

Longest Book: Shadow's Bane by Karen Chance - 616 Pages

Average Book Length: 290 Pages

Favorite New Read: That Ain't Witchcraft by Seanan McGuire - I love, love, love Antimony and her found family group, which this book contains quite a lot of. It's great.

Favorite Reread: Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey - I hadn't remembered a lot of this book, but I very much enjoyed getting reacquainted with Talia.

Favorite Non-Fiction: No Non-Fiction this year. Closest thing was Enchantress of Numbers, which was Historical Fiction about Ada Lovelace... and a DNF.

Favorite Series: InCryptid by Seanan McGuire - I'm pretty much in love with Seanan's work. This series is just so delightful and ever-changing in ways I really love.

Favorite Author: Seanan McGuire -Definitely in love with her work. It's fantastic and she seems like a fantastic human so... yeah.

Most Read Author: Seanan McGuire - basically by virtue of having a BUNCH of short stories that filled out the InCryptid series that each counted as their own book. I read 37 Seanan McGuire books this year.

Least Favorite Book: Closer to the Heart by Mercedes Lackey - Apparently I did have fun reading this, but the Herald Spy series just wasn't that great and this was my least favorite of them.

Most Disappointing Read: Slay by Laurell K. Hamilton - I've been reading the Anita Blake novels since I was a teenager and Slay is the 30th anniversary, 30th book in the series and it just did not live up to the hype.

DNF Pile: Time's Fool by Karen Chance and Enchantress of Numbers by Jennifer Chiaverini - One I was just very over and the other just turned out to be a slog.

Favorite New-to-Me Character: Fern Conway from InCryptid by Seanan McGuire. Fern is a cryptid cinnamon roll and I love her just so, so much.

Favorite Reread Character: I have two this year: Sirius Black from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Istas Yukimura from InCryptid - Sirius is a perennial fave, at least in this book. The man has his flaws, lets not lie, but I really like him as a character. Istas is just the best. No notes.

Currently Reading: The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce, Winds of Fate by Mercedes Lackey, Valdemar by Mercedes Lackey, Tortall and Other Lands by Tamora Pierce, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling, aaaaand technically a bunch of Valdemar short story compilations... a total of 21 books.

May your 2024 by happy and bright. May you have only good books to read. See you in my next post... whenever that is. 😅

Friday, December 29, 2023

Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce

Emperor Mage (Immortals, #3)A Mostly Spoiler Free Reread Review

Emperor Mage is another one I have zero memory of reading. I think perhaps because I was listening to an audiobook and my brain just doesn’t get along with them… ah well. Made this reread more interesting. Emperor Mage was definitely a lot of fun, if a bit winding.

I find it refreshing that Ozorne didn’t come across as slimy, as the big bad evil emperor types often do. He was honestly fairly likable. Just goes to show that abusers can be as angelic as you please in one arena and absolute terrors in others.

I definitely liked Kaddar and Zek. The scheming of the Stormwings was interesting and definitely gave more depth to their culture. I always have fun reading of other cultures and having Carthak opened up was fun. Daine schooling the boys in archery was a highlight. I feel like Kaddar showing Daine around the palace and university was a nice compromise to having her sit through the negotiations. It was definitely far more interesting, in my opinion.

I’m not sure how I feel about “flesh eating unicorns” or “killer unicorns.” Like, on the one hand, kind of a badass image for my favorite mythological beast, on the other hand… why?? Unicorns are so graceful and pretty and mostly made of herbivore parts, why you gotta make carnivorous versions? Just too boring or something? And if they are carnivorous, do they look different from their horse-like cousins? Because again, herbivores. Prey animals have different builds than predators. I’m probably over-thinking this, but I’d really like to know.

A reason to read the Tortall books in order: Numair’s death at the hands of Ozorne would probably have more impact than it does. I snorted and rolled my eyes as Kaddar announced it to Daine. Numair’s more crafty than that.

But yeah… I don’t really have any deep thoughts on this one. The conclusion was satisfying and it was a nice way to try to minimize the life-damage that definitely would have resulted from a rampage of the sort Daine caused.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Wolf-Speaker by Tamora Pierce

Wolf-Speaker (Immortals, #2)

Technically a ReRead Review, though I remember nothing from my first read.

I honestly don't have a lot to say about Wolf-Speaker. It was kinda fun and took me a lot longer to read than even I was expecting... which is more a function of the holidays and a new Pokemon game coming out while I was reading than anything else... but yeah.

Daine learns a lot more about her powers in this book. She's got to learn and use them on the fly, as there's not really any time for her to rest while dealing with the whole Yolane/Tristan situation. It's interesting and I'm kind of glad Daine didn't have someone actively teaching her how to use her powers. The organic way she figures them out just makes sense for her.

I feel like all the human characters here were rather flat, even Maura, who we spent the most time with. Tristan and Yolane were just kind of there in the background doing all their planning and scheming for most of the book. Tait turned out to be an alright human. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, most of the characters were pretty flat. The animals were just doing animal things and finding Daine's intervention in their lives fun. Tkaa was a fun new addition, but he mostly served as a way to get Numair the info Daine was collecting. Even Kitten didn't really do much aside from break into parts of the castle toward the end. I'm kind of glad Daine has less of an issue with Stormwings now, but Stormwings are altogether not the best "people" as it were so... yeah. Much shrugging in the character department.

I had a big issue with the way the animals speaking was written. I feel like the speech should have been in italics or bracketed in some manner that made it clear a character was speaking as opposed to it just being more narration.

So yeah, Wolf-Speaker was just alright. Other than Daine's "power up," I feel like the story was fairly flat, though not filler. 

Favorite Lines

"I am a riding horse, not a god, was Spot's answer." - Spot

"Magelet, one thing I have learned is that humans cling to their first knowledge of you, particularly if they have no experience of you once you've changed." - Numair Salamin

"There's no such thing as a being who's pure evil, retorted the mare. Just as no creature is al good. They live according to their natures, just like you." - Cloud

Wishing Everyone A Very Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Enchantress of Numbers by Jennifer Chiaverini

Enchantress of NumbersEnchantress of Numbers is a DNF for me. I got a teensy bit over halfway through before I gave up. I feel it’s just not as engaging as I wish it were. I was really looking forward to learning about Ada Lovelace but this is just not the way I’m going to do it apparently.

Enchantress of Numbers Reminds me of those princess diaries books I read when I was 12, only with far more actual biographical information. As I haven’t really done much reading about Ada Lovelace or her family, I don’t really know how much of it is true to life. It is, however, really focused on Ada’s relationship with her mother, Lady Byron, for at least the first half I read.

Lady Byron does strike me as a bad mother, with the caveat that mothers of her rank were apparently quite absent from their childrens’ lives. Her attitude toward stifling Ada’s imagination and denying her things like fairy tales really bugs me. And later her attitude toward anything imaginative as Ada grows up is just… ugh. I just can’t. I also just cannot with the Three Furies and her reliance on them and their opinions over that of her daughter. Just no.

It’s probably a pity that I’m leaving off Enchantress of Numbers right as Ada has met Charles Babbage, but yeah… I’m just not into it and so I’m done. At least for now. Might return to see if I can finish the second half at some stage, but right now… nope.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Reviews Batch 14 - Final Batch

Smoke: A Novel

Smoke: A Novel by Dan Vyleta
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 1, 2017

Dense, mysterious, but really slow in parts. Still not quite sure what's actually going on with Thomas, but i'm also not quite sure it's altogether relevant.

It's interesting to see a story like this unfold from the perspective of relative outsiders. Usually it's those attempting to bring about change that get the spotlight. But Smoke turns those characters into antagonists, which I thought was interesting.

I did find the society built in this world to be really messed up. I would say something else about it, but spoilers... so I won't.

Bloodkin (The Maeve’ra, #2)

Bloodkin by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 17, 2015

A quick but wonderfully paced read, Bloodkin continues to delve into Midnight's past, placing players where they need to be for Midnight's eventual downfall.

I enjoyed the looks behind the scenes of Midnight's slave trade, the Shantel, and how Pet came to be in the hands of Midnight's trainers.

The Enchantment Emporium

The Enchantment Emporium by Tanya Huff
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 23, 2020

I honestly have to say, I did not remember as much of this book as I thought I did. Got some of it mixed up with some Kelley Armstrong stuff.

Anyway, I very much love The Enchantment Emporium. I love the characters. I love the world building. I love the yoyos. I’m honestly not sure what else to say. If you liked The Keeper Chronicles, you’ll definitely love this. Not quite on the same vein with all the mythological references, but still super enjoyable. 


Sabriel (Abhorsen,  #1)Sabriel by Garth Nix
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 28, 2017

Every bit as good as I remember, even if the Sabriel/Touchstone thing is way rushed. I've been looking forward to rereading these books all year and I was not disappointed.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Scarlet Adventures #10

Some fun pics my last 24 hours of Pokemon gaming

Loving this new uniform

Full Body pic

Amused by Vullaby actually being in a nest

Just a Dragon Tera Type Seadra

Awkward Elevator Ride

Down into the chasm of Area Zero

Crystal Tree in Area Zero

Drippy Crystal
The Stellar Terrastalization looks like a shiny sombrero

Friday, December 15, 2023

Pokemon Scarlet: The Indigo Disk Storyline Review

Yay! Part Two of the Pokemon Violet/Scarlet DLC is here! The Indigo Disk/Hidden Treasure of Area Zero was basically a continuation of The Teal Mask with Carmine and Kieran returning.

I was a little more fond of this one than the last one, but it was still pretty basic. You run around a defeat an Elite Four group and then Kieran, followed by a more over-arching story line involving Area Zero. I only really had issues with the Fairy "Gym Leader" but that's more because my team is not geared toward fighting Fairy types than actually being difficult.

I was honestly unimpressed with Kieran's "character growth." He was just as whiny as he was before, only now with a vendetta against us as the main character. This isn't really his fault, I don't think. I chalk it up to the writing. It's hard to write a character who really, really wants to defeat the player and actually let them succeed. Instead you end up with a character who can't find his own power and is constantly sulking as a result. And really, Kieran sulks right up until the end, which was not great.

Carmine calmed down significantly, so that was nice.

I don't really have a lot to say about this storyline. There wasn't a lot going on and you're basically left to your own devices to run around the Terarium Dome. That, at least, was a little bit more fun. Got to catch "new" Pokemon and even participate in the ongoing Mass Outbreak event. Oh! The Blueberry Academy had ongoing quests, as well, that made running around randomly a little more rewarding. The quests circulate and give you something to do outside of just running around.

The Indigo Disk and Hidden Treasure of Area Zero storyline took me about 24 hours to complete. Hard to tell, really, as I did eat and sleep in there. I had fun, though, and am looking forward to continuing to explore the Terarium Dome. Lord knows I did not complete my Pokedex, so that's what I'll be working on next.

Monday, December 11, 2023

By the Sword by Mercedes Lackey

By the Sword (Valdemar, #9)I have divided my review of By the Sword into parts, just as the book was divided. Spoiler: I loved this one.

Book 1: Kerowyn’s Ride

Aside from Alberich’s battling bandits at the beginning of Exile’s Honor, this is the most brutal beginning to anyone’s story we’ve had yet. Aaand I forgot Tarma’s introduction, so I’m wrong. But it’s up there with that.

I like that Kerowyn has a moment of revulsion at having killed. I like her reasoning the guilt out. Kerowyn’s a fun character all around. She’s headstrong in a good way.

We got an interesting look at how Need actually takes over. We didn’t get a lot of that from Kethry’s POV. Kero’s handling of Need was also neat. Looks like Need’s actually found herself a partner rather than a someone she can control.

Oh NOW we get a mention of the vrondi watching Kethry and Valdemar’s weird anti-magic thing that makes zero sense. I’m rolling my eyes here. And yes, I’m likely to mention this crap every single time it comes up until it’s not an issue anymore.

Book 2: Two Edged Blade

I had a feeling Kero was going to end up leading the Skybolts, wasn’t expecting the long journey to get there, but yeah.

Speaking of the journey, I am somewhat disappointed Kero doesn’t end up going to Valdemar to at least claim Eldan’s bounty or whatever. I liked Eldan and Ratha. I liked that Kero ultimately made the more “adult” decision to leave them so they could get back to Valdemar.

Book 3: The Price of Command

Again we get the whole “no magic in Valdemar” issue. I’m a little surprised Quentin and his set couldn’t figure out the vrondi but I also feel like that would have taken up too much “screen time” anyway.

Even though I knew it was coming, the Skybolts’ vote to stay and fight made me tear up. Heck, Daren arriving even though I knew he would had me in tears as well. I dunno if it’s the sudden burst of hope or just that I’m tired and easily affected by this sort of thing, but… yeah. Happy tears were shed. I won’t say anymore as this is already bordering on spoilers.

Overall, I really enjoyed By the Sword. It was fun, if long, but it really needed the length. I’m glad Ancar got dealt with right away in the chronology, too. Or at least mostly dealt with. I am very much looking forward to continuing my Valdemar journey.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong

Betrayals (Cainsville, #4)

Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 10, 2018

If there's one thing I really, really hate above all else it's relationship drama. I know, realistically speaking, relationship drama is a thing that happens and it's unavoidable but... ugh. I hate it. That said, Betrayals handled it fairly well. It helped that there were snippets of the story from Gabriel and Ricky's POVs. It wasn't dramatic for drama's sake. I did spend almost the entire book going "More threesomes, less triangles" because the whole triangle thing is just annoying.

But anyway, I did enjoy the world-building. The world of and around Cainsville is intriguing. The wider world of the Fae and other mythologies is a rich one and to have at least some of it explored is great. I appreciate it, a lot. I enjoyed the parts with the hound. Hope she comes back more often.

I'm really not sure I have much else to say about Betrayals. It's definitely good, but not as stellar as the previous ones... but then, I've been reading a lot this year and don't think I reread the Cainsville series so my esteem might be clouded by time. Again, the relationship drama drives me batty so... yeah. More of that means less enjoyment from me, most of the time.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce

Wild Magic (Immortals, #1)

Wild Magic was honestly a lot more fun that I was expecting. I feel like Tamora Pierce was trying to recapture some of this book when she wrote Tempests and Slaughter. Daine’s schooling in her magic definitely had a better feel than Numair’s did. I also like Daine a lot more than I liked Arram/Numair. I also feel like Daine in terms of being introduced to Tortall’s “elite.” They are all really welcoming and open, which makes a change from other “elite” groups from other series.

So yeah, Tortall is a weird place. The palace is super informal apparently. Kind of makes sense given that it’s a home and a training ground and a royal palace all wrapped up in one. Pretty sure Tortall ruined all the more formal royals for me.

I started this review talking about how Arram/Numair’s magical schooling was a lot different from Daine’s. Part of that is Numair being in charge of Daine’s schooling and part of it is Carthak’s mage-training school. I felt a lot more involved in Daine’s “schooling” and actually understood what was going on when Numair explained it to her. I really enjoy that sort of nerdy-in-the-weeds kind of thing involving magic systems. It’s fun.

I also enjoyed the way Daine interacted with her animal friends. She is both of them and yet not, which makes for some interesting dynamics. Cloud, especially, is a stand out.

I sweat I’ve read the Daine series before, but I can’t really remember much, if anything. That makes a lot of the introduction of the “immortal” characters/creatures interesting. I definitely ran into some of them during the Kel series, but I’d plum forgotten how they ended up coming back into the Tortallan world. I kind of missed them during the Beka and Alanna series… but then, I’m a sucker for my mythological elements.

Wild Magic is honestly a really good jumping on point for anyone interested in reading the Tortall books. I feel like there’s enough detail to bother hook readers and keep them interested while at the same time not info-dumping too hard. 

Favorite Line

"The person who commits an action is the one responsible for it, not the people he commits the action upon." - Numair

Monday, December 4, 2023

Arrow's Fall by Mercedes Lackey

Arrow's Fall (Valdemar: Heralds of Valdemar #3)

So, Arrow’s Fall was kind of a mixed bag for me. Some of it I found extremely frustrating and parts were very good, if anxiety inducing. I feel it was a satisfying “ending” to Talia’s tale. I say it like that, because she does survive and goes on to fulfill her Queen’s Own duties. But yeah, this review will make it abundantly clear how I felt about certain parts.

Kris really should have known to make it crystal fucking clear to Dirk that he and Talia weren’t a thing. Kris should have explained that they were just friends, instead of leaving Dirk to wonder. But noooo, Kris is too damn pleased with how Dirk’s acting in Talia’s direction, he didn’t even think to make it crystal clear to Dirk. I really, really hate these kinds of plot points. Love triangles annoy me to no end. It’s not even a proper love triangle, as Kris and Talia already had their relationship worked out… it’s just Dirk and Talia both refusing to actually talk to each other. And yes, I said both. Talia could have said something but instead she was waiting on Dirk to make a move he clearly wasn’t going to. I’m just so annoyed about this entire thing.

Finally, this is where Lord Orthallan comes to the fore in all his manipulative glory. Figures that he’d be in it for the crown he literally cannot have without outside help. Le sigh, so annoying. It’s really no surprise he’s been attempting to undermine Heralds and failing miserably. I’m not sure I suspected him of being behind everything it turned out he was behind, but as I did suspect him of a lot… I dunno, I call that a win for me.

Here we see a fine example of non-Valdemarans, and non-Heralds as I assume Lord Orthallan doesn’t actually believe Companions are what they are, not really understanding what a Companion is and therefore completely discounting them. Hulda has no clue Talia appearing without Rolan wouldn’t do anything to help her plan. No one in Hardorn knows Rolan was sent with Talia’s message or even thought to try and detain him… not that they could. Hulda’s original plan for Elspeth would have failed completely anyway, if Elspeth wasn’t ever Chosen and she just gives no shits about that and probably didn’t think it would be an issue. It’s just really interesting to me that no one outside Valdemar and the Heraldic Circle thinks about the Companions as important outside of being mounts for Heralds.

It’s also hilarious to me that Hulda is given to monologuing. She doesn’t even stop despite Talia calling her out on it. Ancar’s just a gross, sadistic human. Not even that interesting. “I consider myself an artist” please. He and Hulda together are just horrific. I hate them so, so much.

Dirk and Elspeth’s rescue attempt had me in tears. Rolan and the Companions coming to help made it worse.

The way Rolan addresses Dirk is odd, like he can’t just say Dirk’s name or originally didn’t bother to learn any of the Heralds’ names. Just weird. None of the other Companions seem to have issues talking about other Heralds by name, even if they don’t talk to them.

So yeah, Arrow’s Fall, a fitting end to the Heralds of Valdemar trilogy. I largely enjoyed it, even though it was also highly frustrating.

Favorite Line

"What is it," Talia asked the ceiling above her head, "what is it about would-be tyrants that makes them speak and posture like a third-rate gleeman in a badly-written play?"