
Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a 30-something bisexual cis-female. I’ve decided to start this blog because I’ve been writing book reviews and posting them to GoodReads and figured I’d also post them here, along with whatever else I feel like talking about or reviewing. It’ll mostly be books, though. My posting schedule will be nonexistent. I read at a completely random pace, so the reviews will be posted whenever I finish and not on a schedule-able basis. Also, I won't be using any kind of rating system. If you'd like to see what I've rated books, you can head over to GoodReads. Otherwise, my reviews are just going to stand on their own here.

I mainly read urban fantasy books. Currently, I’m working my way through a truly massive TBR list that I started — I think — in 2014 when I joined GoodReads. I’m also a massive nerd, so I watch a lot of fantasy and sci-fi TV shows and movies... as well as whatever stand-ups my boyfriend watches.

In real life, I work as a meat clerk at a major grocery chain. You can probably guess which one if you follow me on Instagram (Lazy_Droppers_Channel). On the interwebs, I’m mainly active on Facebook, the aforementioned Instagram, Threads, and OviPets, which is a virtual pet breeding game where I'm slowly making Digimon lookalikes.
I'm also a weirdo who does different stuff depending on where I post... mostly. Here and GoodReads it's book reviews. Facebook it's Pokemon Go screenshots and sky pics and actual life stuff. Instagram it's pics of products where the products do not live. Threads it's random thoughts and links and basically me when I was interested in posting rando shit to Twitter. OviPets, as previously mentioned, I make Digimon lookalikes. I am nothing if not varied in my interests.