Sunday, December 10, 2023

Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong

Betrayals (Cainsville, #4)

Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 10, 2018

If there's one thing I really, really hate above all else it's relationship drama. I know, realistically speaking, relationship drama is a thing that happens and it's unavoidable but... ugh. I hate it. That said, Betrayals handled it fairly well. It helped that there were snippets of the story from Gabriel and Ricky's POVs. It wasn't dramatic for drama's sake. I did spend almost the entire book going "More threesomes, less triangles" because the whole triangle thing is just annoying.

But anyway, I did enjoy the world-building. The world of and around Cainsville is intriguing. The wider world of the Fae and other mythologies is a rich one and to have at least some of it explored is great. I appreciate it, a lot. I enjoyed the parts with the hound. Hope she comes back more often.

I'm really not sure I have much else to say about Betrayals. It's definitely good, but not as stellar as the previous ones... but then, I've been reading a lot this year and don't think I reread the Cainsville series so my esteem might be clouded by time. Again, the relationship drama drives me batty so... yeah. More of that means less enjoyment from me, most of the time.

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