Sunday, December 17, 2023

Reviews Batch 14 - Final Batch

Smoke: A Novel

Smoke: A Novel by Dan Vyleta
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 1, 2017

Dense, mysterious, but really slow in parts. Still not quite sure what's actually going on with Thomas, but i'm also not quite sure it's altogether relevant.

It's interesting to see a story like this unfold from the perspective of relative outsiders. Usually it's those attempting to bring about change that get the spotlight. But Smoke turns those characters into antagonists, which I thought was interesting.

I did find the society built in this world to be really messed up. I would say something else about it, but spoilers... so I won't.

Bloodkin (The Maeve’ra, #2)

Bloodkin by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 17, 2015

A quick but wonderfully paced read, Bloodkin continues to delve into Midnight's past, placing players where they need to be for Midnight's eventual downfall.

I enjoyed the looks behind the scenes of Midnight's slave trade, the Shantel, and how Pet came to be in the hands of Midnight's trainers.

The Enchantment Emporium

The Enchantment Emporium by Tanya Huff
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 23, 2020

I honestly have to say, I did not remember as much of this book as I thought I did. Got some of it mixed up with some Kelley Armstrong stuff.

Anyway, I very much love The Enchantment Emporium. I love the characters. I love the world building. I love the yoyos. I’m honestly not sure what else to say. If you liked The Keeper Chronicles, you’ll definitely love this. Not quite on the same vein with all the mythological references, but still super enjoyable. 


Sabriel (Abhorsen,  #1)Sabriel by Garth Nix
Originally Posted to GoodReads: December 28, 2017

Every bit as good as I remember, even if the Sabriel/Touchstone thing is way rushed. I've been looking forward to rereading these books all year and I was not disappointed.

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