Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Wolf-Speaker by Tamora Pierce

Wolf-Speaker (Immortals, #2)

Technically a ReRead Review, though I remember nothing from my first read.

I honestly don't have a lot to say about Wolf-Speaker. It was kinda fun and took me a lot longer to read than even I was expecting... which is more a function of the holidays and a new Pokemon game coming out while I was reading than anything else... but yeah.

Daine learns a lot more about her powers in this book. She's got to learn and use them on the fly, as there's not really any time for her to rest while dealing with the whole Yolane/Tristan situation. It's interesting and I'm kind of glad Daine didn't have someone actively teaching her how to use her powers. The organic way she figures them out just makes sense for her.

I feel like all the human characters here were rather flat, even Maura, who we spent the most time with. Tristan and Yolane were just kind of there in the background doing all their planning and scheming for most of the book. Tait turned out to be an alright human. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, most of the characters were pretty flat. The animals were just doing animal things and finding Daine's intervention in their lives fun. Tkaa was a fun new addition, but he mostly served as a way to get Numair the info Daine was collecting. Even Kitten didn't really do much aside from break into parts of the castle toward the end. I'm kind of glad Daine has less of an issue with Stormwings now, but Stormwings are altogether not the best "people" as it were so... yeah. Much shrugging in the character department.

I had a big issue with the way the animals speaking was written. I feel like the speech should have been in italics or bracketed in some manner that made it clear a character was speaking as opposed to it just being more narration.

So yeah, Wolf-Speaker was just alright. Other than Daine's "power up," I feel like the story was fairly flat, though not filler. 

Favorite Lines

"I am a riding horse, not a god, was Spot's answer." - Spot

"Magelet, one thing I have learned is that humans cling to their first knowledge of you, particularly if they have no experience of you once you've changed." - Numair Salamin

"There's no such thing as a being who's pure evil, retorted the mare. Just as no creature is al good. They live according to their natures, just like you." - Cloud

Wishing Everyone A Very Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

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