Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gryphon in Light by Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon

Gryphon in Light (Kelvren's Saga #1)

Gryphon in Light is very much a set-up book. It’s some very good setup, though. The character work is fairly good, which I’ve found is less than a given in the Valdemar gryphon-related books. Kel definitely gets a power-up (pun slightly intended) as far as character work goes. We also get more of Firesong, which was a surprise.

I was definitely not shocked at the village’s treatment of Kel after he was wounded and left in their care. It felt very genuine for humans unused to gryphons to treat Kel as an animal more than an actual sentient being. Gross, but expected. I was very happy when he got himself ingratiated with the Guard “gimps.” That was a fun bit.

The expedition shaped up to be as crazy-pants as the original Valdemar one… more so, given the amount of creatures involved in addition to the humans. Oh geez, and a Firecat! Throw everything at the wall, why don’t we… and yep, we even got rando Companions. This kind of thing makes me tear up, even if it’s not everyone gathering around a character, apparently.

The expedition itself is really a different version of camping, which is fine. I don’t really have a lot to say about it. I like that they somehow still have a few of the original Valdemaran's barges. Reading about that so soon after finishing the prequel series was nice.

Gryphon in Light does kind of drift off for it’s ending. However, I don’t feel like it was badly done, and rather feels like a good setup for the beginning of the next book. It honestly feels like the Kelvren’s Saga is gearing up to be something that could fit well in an omnibus format, where one book flows smoothly into the next. And I’m repeating myself, I think, so… yeah. Gryphon in Light was really good and I’m definitely looking forward to the next one.

Favorite Lines

"Everyone whines, everyone complains, and even if whining doesn't change anything, letting the frustration out doesn't hurt." - Ayshen

"I trust my gut. My gut has never steered me to a bad buffet." - Kelvren

"No learning is ever wasted." - Firesong

"And Firesong, he'll be all right. He survives everything, then gets to explain it for years afterward." - Kelvren

"People mostly stupid like boar or quick to anger like bear." - Rina

     And then -- Kel could scarecely believe his eyes when the Firecat did this -- somehow Serenshey widened his eyes so that they seemed to take up half of his face, dilated his pupils, and made his eyes glisten as if he was about to shed tears. Kel knew that look. Gryphlet-begging.
     I cannot believe you are doing that, he though to the Firecat, knowing that Serenshey would pick it up.

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