Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Searching for Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

Searching for Dragons (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles #2)

A Reread Review with a very slight spoiler

Searching for Dragons is a very good sequel to Dealing with Dragons. I personally enjoyed the world-building of The Enchanted Forest and her King. I also enjoyed the visiting of Fairy Tale tropes and the bending of them. Overall, it was a fun time.

I very much love how sarcastic Mendanbar is. When paired with Telemain, Mendanbar reminded me of a science educator. One who is able to take the more complicated language and translate it into something a lay-person can understand. I feel like Mendanbar and Cimorene's relationship is well-constructed. They feel like they just fit together, even before any hint of romance happened. That's as it should be, I think. Being friends before turning to romance seems to work out the best.

I definitely feel the wizard's plot here was more involved than their plot in Dealing with Dragons. I would be interested to know how they got ahold of Kazul, exactly. Probably for the best we didn't see that bit as I doubt it would have either worked well or lived up to expectations. Zemenar just didn't count on everyone being rather more sensible than I guess people usually are in these situations. That's actually what I really like about Searching for Dragons; people actually talk to each other rather than just throwing accusations around, sight unseen.

I quite like that witches, wizards, and magicians are all separate things, rather than different word for different genders of magic user. I very much enjoyed the introduction of Telemain as the more scientific approach to magic. It's nice to have someone around to explain what's actually going on with the magic as opposed to being like "it just works." I also thought The Enchanted Forest basically working on string-theory was fun. Kind of like ley line stuff, only on a smaller scale.

Anyway, Searching for Dragons was a fun romp. Definitely a good sequel. Could maybe stand on it's own if it had to, but definitely builds on what came before it.

Favorite Line

"I'm just as curious as you are, Telemain, but I never heard that a spirit of scientific inquiry precluded taking intelligent precautions." - Morwen

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