Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Valdemar Anthologies Batch 3

Choices (Tales of Valdemar #12)

Choices edited by Mercedes Lackey

My review is broken into pieces following each individual story in the order I read them in. I read five stories from this anthology.

“Woman’s Need Calls Me” by Mercedes Lackey: This one was interesting. I was not expecting trans representation, but there it was. I liked this little adventure.

“Moving On” by Diana L. Paxson: Same main character as “Weavings” from the No True Way anthology. Basically the story of how Diera and Selaine ended up going to Haven. It was alright. I knew right off “Master Abolon” was a fraud.

“Unceasing Consqeunces” by Elizabeth A. Vaughan: I really enjoyed this one. Lady Cera is further dealing with Sandbriar’s issues and her own. She handled Lord Cition like a pro.

“Of Crows and Karsites” by Kristin Schwengel: I really enjoyed this one. It’s a good mix of action and a bit of sneaker-y. Liked the inclusion of a Tayledras Bond Bird and the tiny bit of Karse.

“Feathers in Deed” by Jennifer Brozek: Kind of “meh” on this one. Hadara and Kitha arrive at Bolthaven and do some stuff.


Pathways (Tales of Valdemar #11)Pathways edited by Mercedes Lackey

My review is broken into pieces following each individual story in the order I read them in. I read 5 stories from this anthology.

“Reborn” by Jennifer Brozek: Interesting little tale of literal rebirth. Interesting and a bit funny that even Companions have a “oh, you’re not old enough yet” thing. Amused me.

“To Catch a Thief” by Mercedes Lackey: A light little mystery. Enjoyable.

“Trust Your Instincts” by Dylan Birtolo: I like getting a peek into Rethwellan. The Valdemar world is so much bigger than just Valdemar, so peeks outside are fun. Not that this is much of an actual peek; it’s more of an piecing-things-together piece. Not bad but a little depressing.

”Ordinary Miracles” by Rebecca Fox: I liked it. Nice little tale of a Karsite Kip and his cat Spot meeting a Companion inadvertently. Clearly a precurser to stuff to come.

“Patterns” by Diana L. Paxton: Another Deira tale. Spinning magic yarn protection for Haven. Interesting… little Alberich cameo here, too. I kind of hate it though. Too rushed and just… meh. The yarn element makes no sense as an actual deterrent of anything and too much like actual magic to actually work during this time period.

“Unexpected Consequences” by Elziabeth A. Vaughan: That Withen/Emerson meet cute tho. I liked this one. I like that Cera decided to distract the bandits, even if it wasn’t really needed.

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