Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Owlknight by Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon

Owlknight (Owl Mage Trilogy, #3)

I feel like Owlknight was a primarily world-building book, which is odd for a third book in a trilogy. We get good doses of Valdemaran, Tayledras, Ghost Cat, and dyheli cultures. Add to that what we end up learning about the northern cultures in addition to how Ghost Cat works… just so, so much world-building.

First half, Valdemaran politics. Second half, road trip, Valdemar style. The Council of k’Valdemar decide Darian needs to have a boost in Valdemaran social status, because apparently Heralds care about that kind of thing… so we get some of what I don’t really think we needed, which is finding out how things like knights fit into Valdemaran society. That section wasn’t bad, exactly, but it was more boring than it wasn’t, to be completely honest.

I’m also not super certain how I feel about Keisha and Darian’s relationship development. It’s clear they’re endgame, but apparently Keisha has doubts, so that gets to be dealt with. I guess it does feel more realistic than just “ah yes, they’re just together now and everything is perfect,” which is ultimately a good thing. Most of that, however, is just shoved aside once Darian’s quest is revealed. I guess that technically answers the question for her, but it did kind of feel abrupt.

The road trip during the second half was more interesting. It was fun finding out how the Northern tribes were actually functioning. The entire North felt like Canada, maybe… especially getting toward the Snow Fox and Raven tribes territories. Their areas seemed very North West US coded to me.

I did quite enjoy Owlknight.

Favorite Lines

"Perhaps that was due to increasing prosperity; well-fed and well-rested people resisted disease and didn't have nearly so many mishaps." - Keisha's Narration

"Short-term unhappiness is much better than long-term misery, and very few liasons are lifebonds." - Silverfox

"The young hertasi came out of the trees carefully carrying a stoppered jug. "Nightwind gave specific instructions. She says that if this does not do the trick, you are to hit him in the head with it, for being too stupid to live," the hertasi told Darian solemnly."

"It is easy to be brave from a safe distance." - Neta

"For those who have not the learning or the wisdom, all good advice sounds like empty croaking." - Raven Chief

 In Other News

I finished another OviPets project today! I present, the Misc Gryphus, my own creation.

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