Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Blackout by Rob Thurman

Blackout (Cal Leandros, #6)

Not gonna lie, I did not think I was going to enjoy this one. The first chapter had me skimming, cuz memory-less Cal is still Cal, having the same existential crises he’s been having. But… turns out, little more in-depth than that… eventually. Honestly, the mystery of what actually happened and Cal being a lot happier pulled me through. It is pretty clear from the get-go… well, Robin’s explanation to Cal about his past anyway, that there is something more than a spider bite going on.

I think it’s interesting that Cal goes to other people asking if he was a good person. I guess that’s a good way as any to find out about yourself when you can’t remember. I like that it’s Ishiah and Promise he goes to. Close enough to know, but not close enough to want to lie to him.

I enjoyed the happier, human Cal. He was more fun and less angsty. He’s definitely right that he wasn’t the Cal we all know and love? Not sure I love Cal, exactly, but, ya know.

I think Ammut as a villain was alright. I like the way Thurman visualized her, via the description. Was a neat way to do a chimera-type critter. I’m not sure, and not about to do the research, about how the spiders connect to her. Oh yeah, spiders. If you’re an arachnophobe and tend to visualize while you read, maybe skip this one. Or I guess read the first couple chapters and then skip to the epilogue. The epilogue felt somewhat relevant. I guess we’ll see.

Good for Delilah taking over/creating her own Wolf Pack… or Clan or whatever. She’s been a cool character. Not super sure I want her as an adversary, but apparently that’s where we’re headed. (Not a spoiler since I don’t actually know, it just feels that way.) Her All Wolf thing… I haven’t mentioned it, but I’m not a giant fan of the way werewolves are done in that regard. I’m all for transformations, total and halfway there, but the part-wolf all the time in really odd ways thing… not a fan. So there’s that…

Blackout was ultimately and interesting character study. What Cal would have been like as a human. It was neat. And oh yeah, did you know Niko’s the best human fighter ever? Did you? Did you need reminding a bunch? Did you? -_-

Favorite Lines

"Always cut their head off, and even then it takes a minute or two for them to die," Leandros advised. "Don't bother with their arms or legs. They'll only pick them up and do their best to bludgeon you to death with them." - Niko Leandros

"Cool guys who kick monster ass do not try. Our coolness is inherent, goddamn it." - Cal Leandros

"It interferes with my wickedness and dissolution. Do you think becoming this degenerate comes without practice? I've invested millennia in becoming the magnificence that stands before you. But it takes time and upkeep to maintain these heights. Time not spent in what may well be a putrid pit of spiders and bodies." - Robin Goodfellow

"Adoption is love. I saw that on the side of a bus, so it's gotta be true." - Cal Leandros

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