Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Feast for Starving Stone by Beth Cato

A Feast for Starving Stone (Chefs of the Five Gods #2)

A Feast for Starving Stone was alright. There was slightly more world-building, mostly on what exactly the gods were capable of. Mostly it was a run-around, Solenn and Ada running from one battle to the next. Rather chaotic, in all honesty. I wasn’t as enamored with the story this time around.

More books in series need a “previously on” chapter that you can read if you need a refresher and skip if you don’t. A+ for including this, Beth Cato. Love it.

I really, really feel like Solenn has been knee-capped by Queen Abonde’s refusal to allow even the knowledge of the Coteries’ existence to come out. How the fuck is Solenn supposed to actually make any sort of headway if she’s not allowed to explain why she wants the things she wants to the humans? “You have six months to get some shit done, but you’re not allowed to tell anyone except your guards that they’re eating sentient creatures. Oh, and by the way, even touching our dead bodies is offensive.” Like, what? Abdone eventually apologies for this nonsense, but I’m still annoyed about it.

I really liked the kraken stuff. It makes complete sense that a creature so divorced from land animals would have a completely different way of looking at the world. It was neat.

I don’t really have much else to say. A Feast for Starving Stone was just alright.

Favorite Lines

"The Gods are like people, really. Just more powerful," - Adamantine Garland

"Ignorance in search of enlightenment has no need of apology," - Captain Emt

     "I killed man because of cheese once," Claudette mused.
     "Only once?" Ada murmured as they continued through the village. The rain had stopped.
     "I'm only counting deaths, not maimings."
     "An important clarification." - Caludette & Adamantine Garland  

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