Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Abhorsen by Garth Nix

Abhorsen (Abhorsen, #3)

Abhorsen is, without a doubt, a very good and fitting end to the trilogy… though the story goes on. Abhorsen is filled with more world-building, character growth, and… well… adventure is the only word that’s coming to mind. The pace is excellent. I devoured Abhorsen in approximately a day, if that tells you anything. It was very good. I cried. Usually the mark of a very good story.

The ABSOLUTE IRONY of Chlorr of the Mask being the one to besiege Abhorsen’s House. Spoiler if you haven’t read Clariel, but Chlorr is Clariel. And if you’ve read Clariel you understand the irony. It’s pretty delectable, honestly.

I actually enjoy Sam in this book. He doesn’t spend his time worrying or sunk into his previous depression, which is good. He’s actually shown to be more clever than he was before, so that was also good.

Lirael is ever growing, learning to be the Abhorsen-In-Waiting and actual Abhorsen. It’s pretty cool to “watch.” I especially enjoyed her few mostly-solo missions, especially the one at the end.

I am very satisfied with this ending. It was the ending of the Abhorsen/Old Kingdom series for a while. Like I said in the beginning, I cried. Several times, in fact. I’m ever a sucker for teams coming together and/or military people saying “fuck it” to the rules because they gotta do the right thing. Got both of those here. I’m still highly satisfied. But now I’m off to The Creature in the Case… well, a shower and some other things, but that’s what’s next.

A Slight Annoyance

My Goodreads reading goal was set to 80 books. Abhorsen is book 80. However!!!!

The Goodreads App glitched and did not give me the "Yay! You did it!" Plaque thingy with the confetti. I am very, very annoyed about this. 😑😡

So now I've set my goal to 81 and will hopefully get the dang confetti when I log my next book.

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