Monday, July 22, 2024

Lirael by Garth Nix

Lirael (Abhorsen, #2)

Lirael is largely a book of self-discovery. Lirael and Sam are figuring themselves out and being nudged along by destiny at the same time. I will warn that Lirael is quite dark. There are suicidal thoughts, dangerous creatures, and hordes of zombies.

Not gonna lie, the Clayr’s Library sounds amazing and terrifying. Like a cross between The Library (from The Librarians) and Warehouse 13. I think it ultimately does a good job showcasing what magic in this world can DO when applied in ways the characters don’t generally. Personally, I really want to explore it myself.

The Disreputable Dog is interesting. Lirael speaks her into existence, basically. She displays Mogget-like shapeshifting abilities, though is apparently much more of the Charter than Mogget ever was. She’s also a fun character, on top of all her mysteries. When she and Mogget get together, things get more interesting. I will note that The Dog seems to be able to talk more about the old school lore of the Old Kingdom a lot more freely than Mogget ever could, which is, ya know, thought-provoking.

I had completely forgotten about what’s essentially the prologue to Sam and Nick’s adventure. Geeez is it brutal.

I like that there’s a bit of explanation as to why The Book of the Dead can only be randomly remembered. Good to know someone’s looking out for the mental health of the Abhorsens. No one even thinks Sam might need some therapy after his experience. Nah, just “he needs to be busy” apparently and that will fix everything. Sabriel, Touchstone, and Ellemere are all too busy to even ask Sam what’s going on with him. News flash: Sam is not okay.

I really feel like Lirael suffers from not focusing just on Lirael. Not that I don’t like Sam, but his story is just kind of “whatever.” I’m much more invested in Lirael. I do completely understand that Sam is necessary for the story to progress, but I’m just not that into him as a character.

I did enjoy Lirael. It is definitely a stepping-stone to a larger story that needed to be broken up over two books. However, I feel that Lirael is really more about Lirael herself figuring out where she belongs. Lirael also delves more into the lore of the Old Kingdom, which I love. Definitely a good read.

My 2018 Review

Favorite Lines

"Would you believe that no less than a colonel and two captains were here yesterday, wanting me to sign the Official Secrets Act and a declaration that I wouldn't ever speak or write of the recent odd events near the Perimeter? The forgot sign language, so I expect I shall inform a deaf journalist when I get back." - Nicholas Sayre

"So you think someone went to all the trouble to make you a crypt a thousand years ago on the off chance you might turn up one day, walk in, and have a convenient heart attack." - Disreputable Dog

"You go first," retorted the Dog. "My nose still hurts from your stupid relatives' blazing doormen." - Disreputable Dog

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