Tuesday, July 2, 2024

To Hold the Bridge by Garth Nix

Just a reminder: I don't really enjoy anthologies, so I don't usually read the entire book, only what's relevant to whatever series I'm reading at the time. This time, I really only meant to read the first story... but vampires happened.

To Hold the Bridge (An Old Kingdom Novella)My review is broken into pieces following each individual story in the order I read them in. I read two stories from this anthology.

"To Hold the Bridge": I enjoyed this one. Felt like the beginning to a much longer story. I think I would have enjoyed getting more from Morghan. I was so engrossed, the ending felt abrupt, though it wasn't, exactly.

"Vampire Weather": Interesting take on vampires and a sort of Amish-y hold-out branch of society in a world that apparently vaccinates against vampires. The characters were rather bland, though.

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