Friday, July 5, 2024

Clariel by Garth Nix

Clariel (Abhorsen, #0.5)

So, having semi-recently reread Sabriel, I do have to say there is a jump in quality, as far as Nix’s writing goes. I feel much more connected to the Abhorsen world after reading Clariel. Clariel was really good. I pretty much blew through it in two sittings (with a bit at the beginning and middle that were work days). I was drawn in by the story and the characters.

Clariel’s ACE!! I wasn’t expecting that kind of representation, but I’m glad it’s there. Not that Clariel’s sexuality had much to do with anything plot-wise. Clariel is really quite focused on returning to the forest, even as she’s pulled in more political directions. Her reluctance and flat-out refusal to go that way is very relatable. Clariel is ultimately an introvert and I feel her struggle so hard.

Speaking of which, the politics were well done, but also yawn. I had no real interest in them and didn’t feel like the stakes as far as the Kingdom went were actually, well, stake-y. The politics were there to create an obstacle and then goal for Clariel.

Mogget’s inclusion in the plot was fun. Love that not-exactly-a-cat. I would say more, but… spoilers. So no. On other side characters: I quite enjoyed Kargren and Bel. I want Charter classes with Kargren. He feels like he would have been a much more fun teacher than he got to be. Bel was really obviously what he ended up being… and a pretty good friend to Clariel. I didn’t really enjoy the friend-zoning he decided to do to himself, but… *sigh* Yeah.

I think Clariel was good as both a prequel and an Old Kingdom intro… which, if you’re reading in chronological order, please avoid the Author’s Note at the end.

Favorite Lines

"The most important thing is to be true to yourself, however you feel, and not try to feel or behave differently because you think you should, or someone has told you how you must feel. But do think about it. Unexamined feelings lead to all kinds of trouble." - Lemmin

"I am a great believer that anything not expressly forbidden is explicitly allowed." - Mogget

"Reasons can always be found to bind a slave." - Mogget

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