Friday, September 13, 2024

The Customer is Always Wrong by Scott Seiss

The Customer Is Always Wrong: An Unhinged Guide to Everything That Sucks About Work (from an Angry Retail Guy)

Relatable AF. I really like Seiss' humor and the realness that is showcased here. Having seen his content online, I knew I was probably going to enjoy his book, which I was correct about. There are rants that are lifted directly from his videos. I couldn't give you an exact number as I haven't seen all his videos, but I did recognize a bunch.

But yeah, pretty good overall.

Favorite Lines

"No need for paternity leave, as I've opted to raise children like a gecko and abandon my babies at birth."

"What in the emotional labor is this?"

In Other News

I finished my Snowy Owl OviPets project! They are part of my "Literary Creatures" project line as they appear in that series we don't mention anymore and the Guardians of Ga'hoole series and probably others as well. These guys took almost exactly 11 months to complete.

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