Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong - 2024 Reread

Betrayals (Cainsville, #4)

Reread Review

So, yes. I am still very, very annoyed with the love triangle aspects of this story. I think Ricky's "solution" to this at the end of the book is a good one. Definitely leaning more into a polycule solution, which is honestly the one I would prefer. I know, I know that main Fae interest in Olivia and the boys is exactly this love-triangle thing and the choice, but I'm really more invested in the lore and mystery aspects of the series than I am the romance.

Much of Betrayals focuses on Gabriel's developing feelings for Olivia and his thought processes surrounding that. I honestly had very little patience for Gabriel this time around. I understand his trauma a lot more due to the short-stories and novellas that have been added to the chronology, but... he should have taken his own thought-advice more often than not. I'm a big believer in communication and that's something Gabriel just tends not to do. It's immensely frustrating, which we definitely see through Olivia's reactions to that non-communicative nature of his.

I had completely forgotten the Hound stuff, despite apparently really enjoying it last time. I did enjoy it this time around. Looking forward to finally finishing the series and seeing if we do, indeed, see more of Lloergan.

I really enjoyed the further world-building around what is and isn't considered Fae. I always enjoy when other mythologies are included in this sort of thing, because there are mythological critters everywhere in the world, not just the British Isles. I definitely liked getting some more on the Cŵn Annwn.

A am apparently repeating myself from 2018 (which I did not reread before typing this out), so I think I'll just end this here. I largely liked Betrayals but I'm really, really hoping we can just finish this love-triangle stuff without boring me to death. Can't wait to finally find out.

2018 First Read Review

Favorite Lines

     "What's their purpose" I asked as I stood.
     "Children? No idea. It appears to be simply an inconvenient stage between birth and usefulness."
     "I mean the gargoyles," I said. - Olivia Taylor-Jones & Patrick

"Life is a sightseeing tour." - Olivia Taylor-Jones

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