Saturday, June 15, 2024

Doubletake by Rob Thurman

Doubletake (Cal Leandros, #7)

I am not a fan of Doubletake at all. It could not hold my interest for even the very short bursts I was originally reading it in. Pure, stubborn, completion-ism kept me reading. Worked better reading in a longer chunk of time, but I was definitely skimming for a good chunk of that. I don’t think it’s great when you can skip a whole page and lose absolutely nothing.

Everybody’s got family coming into town this time… except Promise. No one’s family is interesting. Kalakos is just whatever. Grimm is a nasty piece of work, but also just whatever. The pucks… definitely a blip. And we’re really calling Grimm’s offspring “Bae”? Really? This was lamp-shaded/explained by Robin and Cal and it’s still bad.

I’m so not into this book I didn’t even enjoy the black market scene. A scene which was full of entirely too much in the way of random world-building. Normally, I like me some world-building. Normally, I’m not wanting the end to come so much that I’m skimming.

I have not touched on Kalakos and Janus, other than mentioning Kalakos’ “meh” existence. Still is very “meh.” Janus as well. I didn’t actually feel that much of a threat from either. I guess knowing there are more books after this and already having had Cal almost die enough times just takes the interest out of it.

So… yeah. Doubletake. Not great. Meandering basically for page count, it felt like, especially with the reveal at the end. I don’t like Grimm. I’m honestly smacking myself in the head right now for buying the rest of the series because I really don’t feel like finishing it at this point.

Favorite Lines

"We were a Hallmark card dipped in blood and made of unbreakable steel." - Cal Leandros

"You engage in one bonding incident of cannibalism to save your life from a pissed-off pack of native and you never live it down," Robin muttered

"All Greek legends end up insane sooner or later. It must be something in the water." - Robin Goodfellow

"Don't bounce the weapons of mass destruction." - Niko Leandros

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