Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Thousand Recipes for Revenge by Beth Cato

A Thousand Recipes for Revenge (Chefs of the Five Gods, #1)

A Thousand Recipes for Revenge was nothing like I thought it might be (not that I had a super concrete idea or anything). First of all, the magic system is nothing I’ve ever seen before. Really interesting and made more interesting by events during the story. Ada and Solenn are fun characters. I connected more with Solenn than Ada, but that doesn’t take anything away from Ada’s character.

I feel like it’s somewhat hard to talk about a good chunk of this book without spoiling things. However, the second half contains a good amount of action that was fairly well done, I thought. There’s also a fair few surprises that are both fun and not-so-great for our protagonists.

I was expecting Aveyron to turn into a wolf. Which I suppose is a bit of a spoiler, but… yeah. There’s a point where Aveyron is transforming and it’s not to a wolf. Surprise!

Honestly, I really enjoyed A Thousand Recipes for Revenge. All the characters, not just Ada and Solenn, were rich and fully formed. I really want to know more about the mythology of this universe. This small taste was a lot of fun. Here’s hoping Solenn ultimately succeeds at the thing she’s attempting. 

Favorite Lines

"As my father says, some people are burned at the stake, others do the burning, and far more watch." - Aveyron Silvacane de Camarga

"The creature would have been adorable if not for its stabby nature." - Solenn's narration

"After all, what is a white lie but truth decomposed?" - Aveyron Silvacane de Camarga

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